Why is the SYS light blinking red?

The SYS LED reflect the status of the internal core circuits as well as the host port communication.

A color red SYS LED indicates one of the following possibilities:

  • The host port receive FIFO is overflowed.
    • In this situation, you transmitted data/commands are being lost/dropped
    • You must throttle the data going to the device.
  • The host port transmit FIFO is over flowed. Happens when the transmit port’s speed is too slow (happens in serial mode).
    • In this situation, you receive data and port statuses are being dropped/lost.
    • Increase the transmission rate or change to Ethernet.
  • When in serial mode (RS-232/422), the host’s serial port is not getting the correct data – data fail parity, not the right rate, etc…
    • Correct the port’s settings (baud rate, data size, parity & stop bit).
  • The internal watchdog has timed-out.
    • The system will automatically restart in 5 seconds or less.

The blanking indicates data activity.

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